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Attracting talent in a post-pandemic world

Attracting talent in a post-pandemic world

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies were forced to adapt to rapid changes in the workplace. But don’t let this new post-pandemic landscape put a damper on company culture, employee retention, and new prospects! Here’s what you need to know about retaining and attracting talent in this new era.

From daily life to work environments, it’s clear that the pandemic changed the world forever. As a result, many people are traveling less, choosing to work from home, and being more conscientious about their health. While these changes are positive, they have posed some challenges for companies that are looking to attract and retain talented employees. 

Since the expectations of current and prospective employees have evolved, companies have been forced to adapt to the new post-pandemic working environment and implement new strategies for attracting and retaining talent. While this isn’t necessarily bad, many employers are left wondering how they can evolve and grow their teams without compromising on the quality of their work, products, and services. 

From the hiring process to employee benefits, here is everything you need to know about retaining and attracting talent in this post-pandemic era.

Changes without return: what is different in the post-pandemic world?

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to quickly pivot and find a suitable way of working for everyone. However, now that we are in a post-pandemic world, it’s becoming more clear that people prefer different work environments, and a better work-life balance, and may even prefer how things were during the pandemic. 

So, what’s different in this post-pandemic era, and are things going to return to “normal”?  

New working models

One of the main changes during the pandemic was the way of working. Going into the office was not an option, so people had to adjust their life and work from home. 

Now that the pandemic is over, companies are offering multiple ways of working, including in-person, remote work, or hybrid work. However, these working models are not without their obstacles. Check out this article to see how Nutrium Care can help your employees overcome remote work challenges

These working models have affected the hiring process in a surprising way. Many people have started looking for remote or hybrid jobs only, so if remote work is not an option, it may be tough to attract and retain top talent. 

How to engage and retain employees working in hybrid teams

Hybrid teams can be a challenge, so as a manager, it’s important to have a flexible management style while supervising your team. 

You can do this by:

  • Setting clear expectations for all team members.
  • Meeting with remote team members to discuss ways to measure progress and expectations.
  • Scheduling in-person team meetings for those in the office. 
  • Prioritizing connection with the whole team through zoom meetings, Slack, or Discord. 
  • Regularly checking in with each employee.

How to make your team grow without harming the company's culture

As your team grows, it is important to keep the company’s vision, culture, and values at the forefront to ensure everything is aligned. This extends to the hiring process as well. 

While resumes and experience are vital, hiring managers should also evaluate candidates through the lens of the company culture. 

This aspect of the recruitment process helps to ensure that employees are a good fit for both the work and company culture and that they are able to grow with the team and not hinder any progress.

Revamp your employee onboarding process for the post-pandemic world

With more people working from home, it’s important to have an onboarding process that works for both remote and in-person employees. 

Here are some ways you can make the remote onboarding process easier:

  • Assign employees with a designated point person.
  • Offer a directory of all company employees. 
  • Determine what remote employees need to know about their position and set up meetings with the appropriate people so they can get acquainted. 
  • Check-in with new employees often to see how they are doing and if they have any questions or concerns.

4 tips for attracting and retaining talent

In this post-pandemic era, attracting top talent and finding long-term employees can be challenging. Many people’s priorities have shifted, so it’s vital that your company stays up-to-date so you can continue to attract and retain top employees.

Here are 4 tips for attracting and retaining talent.


#1: Offer great employee benefits

Whether it be daily life, work, or health, the pandemic changed people’s priorities in more ways than one. As such, potential and current employees have shifted their priorities at work to reflect their values. 

To improve retention rates and attract top talent, it’s important that your company understands your employees’ needs, wants, and desires so you can tailor your benefits package accordingly. Check out this article to learn more about the main perks employees value when choosing or changing a job


#2: Offer development opportunities

Many talented employees are always looking for resources to help them grow as professionals, so it’s important to provide them with ways to enhance their skills. Some examples include paying them to attend conferences, online courses, or obtain a higher education degree. 


#3: Listen to feedback

Your employees are valuable assets, and their happiness, satisfaction, and growth should be high on your company’s priority list. Regular evaluations and quarterly surveys can be incredibly helpful in gaining insight into what’s going well, or what the company should improve on to retain employees further.


#4: Learn from your former employees

Employees will leave a company for a variety of reasons, so it’s important to understand why they left. While gathering this information may feel uncomfortable, it will give you a lot of insight into what happened so you can potentially avoid these issues in the future.

How can Nutrium Care help?

You can help attract and retain talented employees by giving them access to the tools they need to manage their health and wellness goals. 

Nutrium Care helps improve your employees’ health by addressing sleep issues, weight management, bad eating habits, and more. Here’s how the program works:

  1. Online appointments with nutrition experts. Each employee can choose a specialized nutritionist and have their first online nutrition appointment. The nutritionist creates a personalized plan and works with employees to help them achieve their health and wellness goals.
  2. Direct access to a nutritionist. After the first appointment, employees can communicate directly with the nutritionist at any time with the Nutrium mobile app. They also always have their meal plan and receive important notifications to remind them to eat or drink water.
  3. Educational materials. The entire process is accompanied by relevant information for a healthier life, through newsletters, webinars, and personalized workshops, created especially for each company.

Contact us if you’re interested in adding Nutrium Care to your business strategy! 


The workplace might look a little different post-pandemic, but that does not mean your company can’t adapt while still retaining and attracting talent. By offering different ways of working, eliciting feedback, and having a high-quality hiring process, employers can find and keep amazing employees that will grow with the company.

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